With a current team of just two commercial employees covering the US, Alpha has successfully generated significant regional revenue streams through “fly in sales” alone. With four of the Top 6 US banks as our existing clients, we have demonstrated that we are able to deliver to scale with local experts and global reach.
As home to the largest financial services sector in the world, establishing a New York office, as well as a base for US-wide operations is an obvious next step. Alpha Development has ambitious plans to scale the business by 30% year on year by 2025.
With the top 50 banks and asset managers in the US, there is considerable scope for Alpha to attract new referrals and new logos within the US market. Our approach will include structured marketing activity aligned to strategy, event attendance and hosting, and a digital strategy.
It is our belief that hiring and growing a US local and specialist team for Alpha will help support the market we serve via two distinct advantages:
1. Bring together our client, prospect and partner community frequently and in-person as a mechanism to share learnings, innovate and continue to build our (already exceptional) solutions to meet the changing industry challenges.
2. Alpha has become synonymous with exceptional learning experience, delivery and subject matter across many of its international regions and global programmes. We recognise client satisfaction and learning impact are at the centre of what allows Alpha and our clients to grow in parallel. Our US expansion intent will create a local, expert and responsive service environment that will continue to raise the bar for our, already, market leading client service offering.
We plan to open our New York offices in September 2022 and our focus is on having the go-to-market roles in place.
We have a number of exciting new roles based in the US.
For more information on these, or to apply please visit our careers page: Careers – Alpha Development.