Alpha Development supported an exclusive roundtable event, run by Global HR Exchange for senior leadership and development, HR and training leaders from top-tier U.S. financial institutions. Participants explored the shifting nature of skills and discussed market trends, innovation, and opportunities within the L&D sphere.
With a wide range of challenges and drivers influencing the state of the L&D marketplace, the roundtable was not short on topics to pick apart and discuss.
Conversations were had around the importance of the right skills for organizations to stay ahead against the backdrop of acceleration of innovation in financial services, and how inspiration to meet these challenges is coming from the high-performance, talent-dense cultures of tech disruptors. In addition, the participants had a lively discussion on the need for greater agility, adaptability and inclusivity in the keeping ahead of the pace of change. The results of the discussions have been distilled into two insight reports.
As a senior L&D leader you’re invited to get the first look at the most trending challenges of the sector and how leading organisations are facing them.